Artificial Intelligence is an amazing technology that is helpful for tracking, screening, and predicting current and future patients. The important applications of AI are for early detection and diagnosis of the infection. We can use new technologies like AI, the Internet of things, and machine learning to fight against the diseases. 

AI plays an important role in COVID-19. World Health Organization is in an urgent need for decision-making technologies to handle this dangerous virus and help them with proper suggestions in real-time to avoid its spread.

The major applications of Artificial Intelligence are collected to track data of confirmed, recovered, and death cases. In this crisis, the Medical Industry is searching for new technologies to monitor and handle the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Main symptoms and test analyses are done with the help of Artificial Intelligence with the highest accuracy.

An increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers, and boxes. So in many places labors are replaced with AI.

The international alarm about the coronavirus pandemic was sounded first not by a human, but by a computer. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread around the world. AI researchers are teeming with tech companies to build automated tracking systems that will mine vast amounts of data, from social media and traditional news for signs of new outbreaks.

Artificial intelligence plays an important role in coronavirus as a savior. AI has been used to battle the coronavirus outbreak. A Chinese technology claimed to detect COVID-19 in 20 seconds by using AI in CT scans.

Around the world countries are in lockdown, the safest and fastest way to deliver medical supplies is through drones. Tera drone is being used in China to deliver medical supplies. Robotics is not infected by a virus, so they can perform many tasks such as cleaning and delivering. Robots are used in hospitals to help doctors.

AI is used for drug research by analyzing the available data on coronavirus. It is very useful for development and drug delivery design. Due to an increase in the number of patients of coronavirus pandemic healthcare workers have a very high workload. Here AI plays an important role to reduce the workload of healthcare workers.

AI is also helpful for future virus and disease prevention, with the help of previously stored data at different times. In the future, AI will become a surprising technology to fight against many other diseases. AI is not helpful for the only coronavirus but also for many purposes that are difficult for human beings.